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  • Writer's pictureKatelyn Anderson

Week 9: Music is healing

Last week was fairly challenging but not too difficult. This week is the sorest I've been in a while. Oof. And I'm doing mostly computer stuff at work so it's so much sitting! I was worried I'd struggle hitting my step goal but it actually hasn't been hard at all! I just walk on the phone and man does that crank the step count up. I did miss it

I'm also at 14 straight workouts in a row which feels AMAZING. I can't believe I didn't skip anything, I definitely wanted to some days. But I didn't, I did it and I'm well on my way. I've also been stretching for 20 minutes after each workout which I feel has helped me tremendously in terms of soreness and overall flexibility. I was doing squats Thursday and I realized I also have a bit more range of motion too!

The one thing that I think has really put me over the top this week though is music. I finally decided to fork out for a Spotify subscription and man, has it helped my just general quality of life. I listen in the morning when I first get up, during my workout to get me ready for the day, then again on my way home from work to help me wind down. It's really helped my stress, I think mainly putting something on while I drive home from work helps me switch off, and I've heard several places that having a signal that it's wind-down time/a wind-down signal helps break the stress cycle. It's also nice having a hype song in the background to push through the worst of a workout of course!

I've been thinking about my goals and how I want to move forward, and it's been hard to decide on what to do next. For now, I've settled on keeping up with my step goal and adding back in my twice-a-week hip-opening videos, on top of everything else! I'm hoping once I'm less busy I can ramp up to two a days, and add in a walking day that can hopefully slowly build into a running day!

Sorry the post is late this week, I've been trying to rest before 11 straight days of working, no breaks (yay me). Playlist is still made and can be found below!

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