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  • Writer's pictureKatelyn Anderson

Week 6: I'm On Vacation Bitch!

I'm going on vacation this weekkkkkkk! Yay!

My mom and I are going to San Diego for a week and I am SO excited to just sit on the beach and do nothing. I don't have too many workouts planned for the trip because I to relax and unwind, but I do have some no equipment workouts queued up in case the mood strikes me/I feel like doing anything other than lounging on the beach.

I had a bittersweet last FitSquad, they aren't bringing back the AM class which is a major bummer but it is what it is. I also didn't hit my goals this week because Tuesday night I stayed out till midnight, and have not felt great ever since; and to top it off two of the people who I was out with have been sick for several days now. Whoops! At least I had a nice time Tuesday night.

Keeping it brief this week, and skipping next week so I get a true break from everything! Never fear, I made two weeks worth of playlist this round, so you don't have to go without!

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