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  • Writer's pictureKatelyn Anderson

Week 4: Missing Marks & Getting Back On The Horse

So this week didn't go that well. I made it to Tuesday then just dropped off. It was a long stressful week and I just couldn't keep it up. In the future I think I'll try to find shorter workouts and have them ready to go.

I'm disappointed but trying not to be too hard on myself. This is the last full week of my boot camp class, then I'll be on my own which is so scary! But I think I can do it, and even step it up a little bit. I definitely need to step up my cardio, and generally improve my diet to see a true improvement in my body, and to feel less tired.

Keeping it short and sweet this week, same schedule as last week, new playlist at the bottom.

* Mean I have to be accountable for the workout

Monday: AM Boot Camp* PM Yoga

Tuesday: AM Mobility* PM Hip Flexor stretch*

Wednesday: AM Boot Camp* PM Yoga

Thursday: AM Mobility PM Hip Flexor stretch*

Friday: AM Cardio* PM Full Body Stretch*

Weekend: Yoga, Full Body Stretch

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