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  • Writer's pictureKatelyn Anderson

Week 3: Where I'm At

On my third week of hitting my strength goals and my second of hitting my stretching goals. WOOHOO! GO ME!

To refresh your memory, my goal for last week was two strength training days, two hip stretch days and one mobility day. I wasn't even that sore Thursday and Friday! I'm definitely getting stronger, but this coming week I have to be at work super early a few days, so I'm going to have to change my schedule slightly.

My cardio is definitely where I'm lacking the most still, so I'm going to add some of that in this week. I was pretty stiff last week and for the next few weeks I'll be doing a lot of repetitive motions at work so I need to do more stretching too. So this week I'm thinking I'll do my usual two strength training days, mobility day, & hip days, but I'll add on a full body stretching day & cardio day too.

Blah blah blah you know the gist, schedule & YouTube link at the bottom. * Mean I have to be accountable for the workout

Monday: AM Boot Camp* PM Yoga

Tuesday: AM Mobility* PM Hip Flexor stretch*

Wednesday: AM Boot Camp* PM Yoga

Thursday: AM Mobility PM Hip Flexor stretch*

Friday: AM Cardio* PM Full Body Stretch*

Weekend: Yoga, Full Body Stretch

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