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  • Writer's pictureKatelyn Anderson

Week 2: Fitness Goal Update

Holy heck, am I sore.

My boot camp class trainer really went there this week. In spite of that though, I still hit my stretch goal!!! And times 2, stretched twice this week! And the difference between Tuesday and Thursday was staggering, and I'm still tight today. Hit every goal this week and I'm feeling pretty good (sore, but good).

I could definitely stand to stretch more, I need to add that into my routine more. My boot camp classes end in June, so after that I'll be able to plan slightly shorter workouts to allow for a good amount of stretch time. Eventually I want to carve out time to work on my splits, so I need to start slowly working up to that level.

I also want to very, very, EXTREMELY slowly start running again, but I need to get my glutes, legs and back stronger first. Once upon time when I was strictly following the Tone It Up workout plan, I would do 5k Sunday. Aka I would run or walk a 5k every single Sunday. I loved it, I felt great whenever I finished it and I want that feeling again.

Going into next week my plan is going to be same amount of strength work, but up my stretching goal to twice and actually hold myself accountable to that. Doing the Deep Hip Flexor video in the Stretchy Fit App has made such a huge difference in my lower back pain and in my workouts, I can't recommend it enough. At some point I'm going to try to add in more cardio only, but I don't want to push too hard and hurt myself.

Here's my plan for this week, as always * means I'm accountable for it and the YouTube playlist in linked at the bottom.

Monday: Boot camp AM*, Yoga PM

Tuesday: Mobility/stretching AM, Deep Hip Flexor stretch PM*

Wednesday: Boot camp AM*, Yoga PM

Thursday: Stretching AM, Deep Hip Flexor stretch PM*

Friday: Mobility AM*, yoga & meditation PM

Weekend: Yoga

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