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  • Writer's pictureKatelyn Anderson

Week 11: Getting Back to it

I've had an insane past couple of weeks. Work has been nuts, if I get home by 7-7:30 I call it a win. Thankfully things are starting to slow down and I will finally have some time to myself again. Sure I'm getting overtime cash but I can honestly say for me personally it has not been worth it.

I have really missed working out and I can really see the difference in my mood and energy levels since I stopped.

I managed to get a workout in Friday night and MAN OH MAN. It felt AWESOME. I felt so strong and motivated. It has me fired up to keep on trucking now. I'm planning on keeping up this momentum, I got in another workout this morning and I'm going to wrap up my workout plan this week, next week do the ballet body boot camp that I recommended in the last blog post, then I'm going to switch back to planning my own schedule out for a while.

My plan going forward is going to look something like a full body strength leaning day, one upper body day, one lower body day, three cardio days (my cardiovascular fitness is....we'll go with not great), and one full rest day with only yin yoga/stretching. I also am planning on stretching daily and trying to hit my step goal of 7,500. One of my cardio days is going to be 5k Sunday, something one of my workout plans used to have as part of their weekly schedule. Obviously, I won't be running 5ks weekly right out of the gate, I'm going to start out just walking a mile or so and slowly build up from there.

I have a wedding to go to on the first weekend of August, so I won't officially start my new schedule until after that. I'm so excited about everything coming up!

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