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  • Writer's pictureKatelyn Anderson

Week 10: Major Roadblock

Up until Friday last week, I was crushing it. Hitting my steps, doing my workouts, making it happen. Smashing my goals outta the park. Then Friday happened.

I woke up around 1am in the middle of a coughing fit. Like, a bad one. According to sleep cycle I coughed for about 10 minutes. I couldn't catch a breath and legit at one point thought I would vomit from all the coughing. I managed to catch a breath and chug a water, and after that I was fine. But I was unsettled, so I took a quick rapid test, which came back negative. Ok great, back to sleep.

I woke up and just knew something was off. Double checked my test, but something was wrong. I just could tell. Then I realized I could not taste anything. Got a coffee, tasted like nothing. Dipped my finger in hot sauce and ate it. Nothing. (Not a joke).

I got two negative PCR tests, and my sense of taste back slowly over a couple of days. I never had any other symptoms. I'm thinking I had a sinus infection but I've been being extra careful just in case.

And of course even though I felt better the burnout started creeping in. This Thursday I had a panic attack, I have been extremely tired lately, so this weekend I am resting and relaxing. I'm going to take the next week or so easy then try to jump back into things after that.

This week I'll recommend Action Jacquelyn's Ballet Body Boot camp, it's a great little program that's totally free and easy to follow on YouTube. Talk to you soon!

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