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  • Writer's pictureKatelyn Anderson

Week 1: Back To Working Out, What I've Learned & How I Did

It's the end of my first week of getting back in the proverbial saddle of working out regularly.

Not going to bury the lead, I did alright. I didn't hit my stretching goal, but I hit my movement/strength goal.

Getting up early to workout was hard some days but I always felt good afterwards. My accountability partners are super excited for me and working with that group has really been helpful.

In the group I only had the goal of 3 workouts a week, the two days of stretching was just on me. I didn't reach that goal this week, but I had a really hard week both at work and personally so I was super tired in the evenings (when the stretching was planned). Just excuses I know, but that's where I'm at.

I really enjoyed the mobility video too, I think eventually as I ramp up I'll try to add that in two or three times a week, as it's not super strenuous so I can sneak it in on a rest day or before/after a workout.

I don't want to do too much too soon and completely derail myself, so this week I'm going for basically the same spilt and stretch goals, and just like last week I'll list it out and link to a YouTube playlist with similar workouts.

*= Optional accountability wise

Monday: Boot camp AM, Yoga PM*

Tuesday: Cardio AM*, Hip openers PM

Wednesday: Boot camp AM, Yoga PM*

Thursday: Stretching AM*, Hip openers PM

Friday: Mobility AM, Relaxing yoga & meditation PM*

Saturday/Sunday: Yoga

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