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  • Writer's pictureKatelyn Anderson

Gradual Improvement

This week went a lot better! I have another leak which is a bummer but I got a ton of workouts in. I did a BRUTAL leg day workout Wednesday and I went up in weight from 5 lb dumbbells to 10 and OOF. I'm still sore!

I did another free workout class yesterday and even though I was still a little sore it was so so good, I'd totally visit the hosting gym again. It was challenging but everyone was really supportive and they encouraged modifications as needed. I didn't get to run at all because of the rain but I did some good cardio in and didn't quit! I'm proud of myself for that. Things still kind of suck, but I'm sticking with the things that I know help me: positive consumption the first and last hours of the day, meditating, exercising and reading.

The leak totally sucks but I've decided I'm just going to let it ride, I didn't even wait for maintenance to get there. I just called told them I wouldn't be home and I left. If my apartment wants their building ruined, fine. They can have it be ruined. I'm not planning on wasting my time with them anymore, not letting it stress me out. This week your homework is to try to not let things outside of your control get to you. It's definitely not easy, heck it took me four months to get to this point! But even if you can just try, just start to try to let that stuff go, in the long run it will lower your stress levels.

The playlist for this week is here. Have a great week!

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