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  • Writer's pictureKatelyn Anderson

To Be Determined

This week and the new schedule changes have gone pretty well actually. I like the new schedule I set for myself, I cut some things shorter, some out completely. I get up later because I've found I'm just not very productive in the mornings, so I might as well spend that time sleeping than awake, scrolling, or just staring at the ceiling. I get a lot more done in the evenings and I have a decent evening routine that I'm going to try to stick to: come home, workout, stretch, write, some engagement, and around the house things. Then I shower with the last 30 seconds cold. Then I read for 20 minutes and go to bed. I'll probably do a more detailed post on my evening routine once I'm done fine tuning and have tested it a little more, I've only been doing this combination for about two weeks.

I made my 2023 vision board for this year, and made it my computer background! I'm hoping it helps push me to my goals more. It was also really fun to make, I just threw mine together in Canva, per the Financial Feminist's recommendation, but you can use whatever you want, or even make an old school one with magazines! I got the vision board idea from her podcast, definitely check it out here!

I'm happy to report I have had zero DNF (did not finish) workouts this week! My 5k time is still not very good. I'm doing more intense cardio and this week I'm even doing combo cardio and strength workouts on my weight lifting days to build my endurance up. I've also been liking move based workouts lately. It's been nice to just blast music and count/wait for the timer sometimes. It's harder to push myself without encouragement but I want to get stronger mentally and this is one way to do it.

I've really been liking this affirmation app lately called I am. It sends you notifications throughout the day with affirmations. I only have the free version and I honestly think it helps, especially on a stressful day. Whenever I get a notification I take a deep breath and repeat the affirmation three times. Since I'm on the free version I only get general ones but I like it. And there's only ads/prompts in the actual app so it doesn't take away from the experience if you can't/don't want to pay.

I hope your 2023 is going well so far. Feel free to reach out if you need support!

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