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  • Writer's pictureKatelyn Anderson

This Week Broke Me

What the title says. I worked out three times this week. That's it. I did booty and abs day and one run, and some yoga today. Both were shockingly easy. But that's all I could mentally manage. I could have done some quick ones or something. But I just have zero mental energy this week. The burn out is so real. I can't afford a vacation, and if I could the time off wouldn't get approved anyway. I could minimize the damage if I stuck to my routine more but I'm really struggling.

My apartment issues are supposedly fixed so I'm hoping that relieves some of the stress, the rest is other things just bubbling up from other things in my life. This week really made me realize I need to get my priorities in order. In order to do that I need to decide what they actually are. For now at least, I'm going with: 1. Working out 2. Meditating 3. Reading. Those are going to be my top 3 this week and maybe longer, just until I can get myself on more stable footing. Outside time generally helps me too so I'm going to add that into my routine when I can too.

I just discovered focus mode on my phone, which cna lock me out of all the distracting apps and places for me to dick around, so I'll have to manage my time better and therefore get more time back. I also cut down the amount of time I can use Instagram and Reddit, my two biggest time wasters. I just started this Wednesday so I've still found ways to totally waste time especially in the morning, I need to work on that. I've never been very good at time management, any tips/tricks would be greatly appreciated.

I spent most of yesterday and today in my parents' couch, so I definitely feel a little better.

Hope you enjoy this week's playlist , Monday's workout is my favorite workout ever.

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