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  • Writer's pictureKatelyn Anderson

The Beauty and Joy of Doing Nothing

Recently I went on vacation and I did my FAVORITE vacation activity: nothing.

Well I guess it's never actually nothing- sometimes reading, people watching, lounging- but it typically involves sitting, and not moving, and not actively doing anything haha.

For me it's almost zen like. I always have a thousand and one things running through my brain, and am trying to block them out to concentrate on one. When I'm doing nothing, I just let them fly.

I'm sure there's some people who would find this extremely overwhelming, but for me it's freeing. Imagine a tiny leak in a dam, high pressure, lots of water being held back and only a tiny little bit getting through. Then the dam breaks and everything comes flooding out all at once, all the tension is broken. In my brain at least, that's how it feels.

I haven't found any activity more relaxing than doing nothing. No stress about work, or staying focused on one thing. Just let my wind wander through all the twists and turns. I have been so busy recently I haven't had time to truly do nothing. I've vegged out in front of the TV, or read before bed, but this is different. There's something magical about sitting and just doing nothing. I had no idea how much I missed it and how much I needed it until I finally got to do it again.

I'm going to try to actively find more time to sit and do nothing, even if it's just on my patio sitting outside my apartment.

If this isn't your thing normally (aggressive side eye to one of my friends. He knows who he is) give it a shot a couple times. And don't just think about how bored you might be, just let your mind go wherever it wants. See how ya feel after, and if you want let me know.

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