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  • Writer's pictureKatelyn Anderson

Slowly slowly said the sloth

I did a little bit of movement this week. But Wednesday morning I tried to circle my shoulder and couldn't. I panicked and forced it (don't do that) but thankfully it doesn't seem like I did any major damage. I've been stretching it and stretching my neck and I haven't had a problem again.

Tuesday I start on a 30-day no fried food challenge, and Monday my bridal Barre challenge starts! I'm really excited for both, I've been wanting to push myself and I need something to really push me back into working out. I could really use the stress relief too, it's been a few weeks of stress and frankly, turmoil in both my personal life and I could really use an outlet.

Thankfully I have a yoga class scheduled today so I can get my mind and my body right. I've missed practicing in person with other people. There's just an energy in the room, a spark. I know that sounds lame and crazy but I swear I feel it, and it makes me feel good.

Here's to finding and doing things that feel good this week.

You know what to do. Talk at ya soon.

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