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  • Writer's pictureKatelyn Anderson

Setting Fitness Goals

I've always had a lot of goals, but I seldom actually reach them (like most people). Lately I've been trying to restart some fitness goals, but I've been having a hard time getting there, so I'm trying a new approach. For starters, I've found some great accountability partners to check in with me and support me on the days I just don't feel like it. They don't get mad or upset if I don't do it, but feeling like other people are counting on me really helps me push through when I'm just not feeling it. I also made a full 7 day plan on Sunday with all my workouts that I want to do, along with some extra stretching/recovery videos that'll help with soreness and general recovery. I've used Google calendar before and when my motivation is high it works, but when my motivation gets low I just ignore it. To combat this I'm back to handwriting them, because I get a great rush of dopamine when I check something off on a list. I'll lay out what I have planned below, but my goal is much lower than this! I'm only holding myself to 3 strength & 2 flexibility workouts a week, I'll explain more below. Monday: Morning boot camp class, Evening yoga class (optional) Tuesday: Morning kickboxing cardio (optional), Evening hip flexor flexibility Wednesday: Morning boot camp, Evening yoga class (optional) Thursday: Morning stretching video (optional), Evening hip flexor flexibility Friday: Morning mobility video, Evening yoga video (optional) Saturday/Sunday: yoga (optional) Right now, my focus is to rebuild my body and my strength, so I want to (eventually) work up to two days of full body strength (or an upper body/lower body split, still deciding) , two days of cardio, two fun class days, and an active rest day each week. The best I ever felt was in college and I was doing at least one workout a day, be it HIIT or weights or a slow yoga flow. This is how I'm starting, taking it one week at a time, because planning month by month hasn't worked for me in the past. Obviously this is all just my experience, so feel free to take my strategy and tweak it to suit you. I'll do an update in a couple of weeks to see how I get on with this new hybrid accountability setup. Below I've linked to a YouTube playlist with either similar or the exact workout I have planned for the week.

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