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  • Writer's pictureKatelyn Anderson

New Year's Day

It's 2023! Holy heck. This is kind of terrifying.

I usually over do it with the resolutions and all that, but this past year taught me that I can restart whenever I want. Hence why I have three fairly straight forward goals this year. I'm also trying to focus a lot more on habits this year, because slowly building up should be more sustainable than making a ton of major changes all at once.

Like I mentioned before, pace yourself, and only set goals for you, no one else. Also remember any exercise that you enjoy and will stick with is the best exercise, so don't feel like you HAVE to lift heavy or do tons of cardio or whatever the latest trend is. Just do something you enjoy and you'll do fine. You don't have to do everything perfectly, if you're trying and doing your best, you're running circles around everyone who has given up.

You have support from me and this community, so please reach out if you need advice, a boost, or encouragement.

Have a peaceful and calming new year.

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