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  • Writer's pictureKatelyn Anderson

My 5k Plan

So last week I told you about my goal to be able to run a 5k without stopping, and this week I'm going to tell you how I plan on getting there. I'm not a personal trainer, doctor, or running coach, so keep that in mind if you decide to try this plan yourself.

My first milestone I want to hit is walking a 5k in 45 minutes. That's about as fast as you should be able to walk only without jogging. I'm going do the walks every Sunday like I've been doing. I'm also going to try to up my cardio intensity on my other cardio days, because the main reason I have this as a goal is because cardio is by far my weakest category when it comes to fitness. I'm hoping the extra HIIT will help get me to running faster and will make my running better over time. I'm also planning on doing a lot of stretching and mobility so I don't get injured. My goal is to be able to do this by January 25th.

Second milestone I want to build up to is walking for four minutes, running (let's be real, jogging very slowly) for one minute for a mile. I'm going to keep up the mobility & stretching, and keep the cardio up. Then once I'm pretty comfortable I'll add another running day into to my schedule to replace the cardio day. I'll still have one regular cardio day and I'll be going hard on stretching/mobility still obviously. I've had several fitness related injuries over the years so I'm always extra careful and tend to pace myself very slowly.

Third milestone is run one minute walk one minute for at least a mile. Same as the second but less walking basically. I'm going to start with one mile like last time, then build up. I'm also going to have this start one day a week then build up to two, keeping my one non-running cardio day. I'm also going to take my rest days at this stage really seriously, because it's going to be make or break time in term of injuries and getting to the last push at the end.

By then I hope I'll be ready for my final goal: 5k Sunday, no stopping! Once I hit that, I'll run a 5k every Sunday like I did when I was young and fit, and do my other workouts on a similar schedule now, while I plan for my next goal: 5 push ups!

What are your new year's goals? Excited to hear, as always the playlist is below. Have a great week!

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