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  • Writer's pictureKatelyn Anderson

More excuses and feeling bleh

Breaking news: once I again I didn't work out at all for an entire week.

I feel really bleh too.

Work has been especially draining, and I have some personal things going on that have completely zapped my energy and will to do anything but be a couch potato.

Just excuses, I know. But that's where I'm at. I'm really hoping I can find the will to work out again soon. I'm confident my mood is worse and my energy is lower because I'm not doing it. I just need to get something semi-sustainable sorted for myself in the time and mental space that I have.

Ok enough with the sob story stuff.

This week I'm going to focus on just getting in any movement at all every day. Yoga, pilates, indoor walking, just anything at all. Just move my little tired body at some point every day. So I don't die soon and it just generally improves my wellbeing now that things are slowing down a little bit I hope.

I really miss working out guys. Hopefully I'll get after it this week. If you have any suggestions for motivation and sticking to routine when you get thrown off.

This week's playlist will be more self care ish than hard core workout, hope you like it.

Have a great week.

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