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  • Writer's pictureKatelyn Anderson

Mental Fitness Goals

This week started out really strong, then my roof started leaking Tuesday morning. Not ideal, very stressful, really threw a wrench in things. You can see the reel I made of it raining in my apartment here if you haven't seen it yet.

But on the plus side I found a 60 day free trial of Headspace the meditation app, so that has been really nice to use. I don't think its nice enough that I'll pay the $70/year for it, but I'm milking that free trial with a reminder already set to cancel when the 60 days are up haha. The code I used is good until November 16th and I won't get any reward from it, simply use TRYGUYS60D and you're in. If you're reading this after November 16th, I have a 30 day free guest pass, linked here.

I'm really trying to meditate more lately, I feel like I notice a difference in not only my anxiety but my overall mood when I'm meditating more often. Ideally I'd meditate three times a day, but with my schedule that's not really realistic so I shoot for a morning meditation and sneak one in at the end of the day if I can. I find it really helps me relax and look at things more objectively, rather than reacting emotionally or on impulse like I normally would. I think it's really important to look after your brain as part of your wellness routine. Pushing your mind helps you push in your workouts in my experience at least. I'm shooting to meditate every day in November, so far it's going pretty well!

It's definitely not a be all end all complete problem solver, but it helps me a lot and I think yo should give it a try. I've been slowly working on a YouTube playlist of meditations I've tried and liked, so let me know if you'd be interested in making that shareable to you all.

I'm also in San Diego (again) Saturday & Sunday so I may not get my 2 mile walk in, but I'm going to try my best. If I find a cool place to hike I'll take pictures and let you folks know next week.

Make sure you take some time for yourself, and have a great week!

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