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  • Writer's pictureKatelyn Anderson

Lane Change

The following story is based on the Writers Write Daily Writing Prompt October 30th, 2022. To find out more or sign up for the Daily Writing Links click here. I receive no commission or incentive from them, I just think it's a great site/email list.

Carla swung her legs to stop thinking about her problems. It was usually a pretty good distraction, but not today.

Cole was driving her NUTS. Why was he being like this? She liked him. He knew that. He had been acting like he liked her. So what’s the problem? Why is he being so hot and cold? It should be one or the other, yes or no. There shouldn’t be any great area in how you feel about another person. If there’s any doubt, you should not go forward, which is fine, but she wanted an answer.

Yes or no. In or out. Pick a lane, stop swerving all over the road.

She was single for so long before this for this exact reason. She didn’t want to play games. She didn’t want to mess around. She wanted someone who would go all in, like she would. Not one foot in, one foot out.

She called to Jessie, the only person she felt like she could talk to about ‘man problems’.

“Definite mixed signals” she said before taking another sip of her cocktail. “If he really likes you then he shouldn’t have blown you off when you made the effort to try to hang out with him”.

“That’s what I’m saying!” Carla said, hopping off the kitchen counter. She grabbed a lime Bubly out of the fridge, then continued. “I wish he would just tell me, yes or no. Even if its a no! At least then the situation is settled”.

Their phones chimed. It was time to BeReal.

“Gotta make sure I look cute” Carla laughed as she took her photo. “You know he’s keeping tabs”.

They both took and posted their photos.

“Called it!” Jessie shouted, looking down at her phone. Sure enough, Cole reacted with the heart eyes to Carla’s post. She looked very good in it. Her green eyes popped against her bright red dress, her fresh manicure sparkled against her just left the beach tan.

Of course he liked her. She’s gorgeous. If only he could pick a lane.

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