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  • Writer's pictureKatelyn Anderson

I Got Got

So I only did two workouts this week because my father gave me the flu at Thanksgiving. Not cool dad, not cool. Starting Wednesday I have mostly been drinking water, tea, and trying not to exert myself in any way so I can get recover faster.

My two workouts were really good though, and I actually felt like I could have done more weight or more reps for my burpee workout. I have the memory of a goldfish so I bought a workout journal so I can track the weight I'm using and the workouts I'm actually completing so I know when I can push, how much heavier I should go, etc. I want to really start really pushing myself (once I'm fully better of course) and gradually increasing the difficulty and intensity of my workouts. As I've mentioned before I'm trying to work myself back up to running a 5k every Sunday, doing some sort of exercise daily, get stronger and lose a little weight. I'm the WORST with goal setting because I go way too broad and don't narrow down to actionable goals, so I'm hoping the journal will help me focus in on each step in my progress.

I've also downloaded both a water tracking app and a calorie tracking app because I want to start getting serious about tracking both now, so I'm already in a routine when New Years comes around. I'm going to be slammed at work in January so I want to lay the groundwork now. Start thinking about your New Year's goals now, so you have plenty of time to make a game plan and break your overall goal down into smaller bite sized actions that will build up to something bigger. Later in the month (once I have my own goals figured out, I haven't even thought about it yet!) I'll make a post about my goals and some goal setting resources so we can 1) talk about them so we can hold each other accountable and 2) to help people either figure out reasonable goals they want to set/help break down their larger goals into smaller steps, because in my experience that is the hardest part.

So start thinking about those goals and what you want for this upcoming year. As always I made a playlist, one less thing for you to worry about this week.

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Dec 06, 2022

I love the journal idea. I have an agenda I use for work but I also track my workouts in it as well and I love it! Every time I get to write down a workout I feel extra accomplished!

Katelyn Anderson
Katelyn Anderson
Dec 08, 2022
Replying to

I've been trying to either screenshot or take a photo of the workouts I complete to post on Sundays for accountability, but I'm hoping the journal will help me really reflect more on the workout, like was I tired, did I eat enough that day, etc.

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