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  • Writer's pictureKatelyn Anderson

Hanging by a thread

It's been a rough past two weeks, as is probably evidenced by my lack of posting/half hearted Instagram posts the past two weeks. More leaks and just general life issues cropping up, I've also been slacking on mediating, writing, pretty much everything but my workouts and weirdly my cold showers. I won't dwell on it but it has not been great, I won't lie. But it's the start of a new week and I'm going to do my best to get back on track and even set some new goals so I have something else to focus on instead of the bullshit.

My goals for this week are going to be to get 6000 steps a day, meditate every day, and generally get back into my routine. I have two weeks worth of workouts planned, I even signed up for a free outdoor workout in February! I'm trying to get out and do more, live more. I was already in a not great place before things started really going sideways in December and I just kind of let myself wallow in it. But I can't stay like this forever, I need to try to make myself happy, even if it's through workouts, brunches and beach trips.

One thing I want you to think about is if you're living in survival mode or not. It's not a bad thing necessarily if you are. I've been here on and off for a while now. If you're just making it through and that's it, everyone once in a while try to take a moment. And I really mean a moment, not a 15 minute meditation or a retreat or "waking up an hour earlier". Just three deep breaths, or even one. Look up an affirmation to keep in the back of your mind. Take your lunch break outside instead of inside. Find some small thing for yourself, even better if it's something you can somehow sneak into your everyday routine. I've been clinging to my routine lately. It makes the days easier knowing exactly what I'm supposed to do every day, takes some of the effort out. And know I'm thinking about you, and you'll get through it.

This week's playlist has two running/walking days instead of one, so emotionally prepare yourself for that.

Talk to ya soon

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