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  • Writer's pictureKatelyn Anderson

Fighting the Overwhelm

I have been extremely overwhelmed lately. Just with life stuff, work stuff. I have been feeling like I can't even get through the day. I've been going to bed between 11-midnight, and waking up at six. Still not getting everything I need to get done done at the end of the day. I'm planning on moving some things around in my schedule, being on my phone less, taking more breaks so I can do things that matter more effectively.

I also think I'm going to try doing more during the workday, for example I can do my Instagram engagement at work on my lunch break rather than wait till I get home. I can also do my writing either on work breaks or in the morning while I'm eating my breakfast. Any other time management ideas would be gratefully appreciated, so drop em in the comments or on Instagram if you have any.

Outdoor yoga at my job is starting back up again too, so I'm hopeful that that will help my mental state as well. It's at noon Monday and Wednesday so it won't interfere with my regular workouts. I really do feel better after I move so I am doing my best to keep that up. I did all my workouts this week except for my 5k (because Sunday hasn't happened yet haha) and after every one I felt great. I'm also trying that thing where you make the last thirty seconds of your shower cold to help with immunity and other things. That actually puts me in a strangely good mood too, afterwards obviously not during (more on this in a future post). I got the Calm app for Christmas and have been using that too to help with the anxiety and general negative emotions. I've been trying to acknowledge them but let the thoughts go.

I'm hoping with these changes will make a difference in my mood and how I feel next week. I hope you all are doing well and have a wonderful week.

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2 comentários

09 de jan. de 2023

My one suggestion might be counterintuitive and I think you should try to go to bed one hour earlier! I think you need seven hours of sleep instead of six. I could be wrong but with a proper amount of sleep you might be way more focused and productive.

Katelyn Anderson
Katelyn Anderson
10 de jan. de 2023
Respondendo a

I definitely agree that I need more sleep. I just have no clue how I'll get everything done 😭but I'm trying out some new things schedule wise so we'll see if it works

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