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  • Writer's pictureKatelyn Anderson

Doing Barre and Feeling Badass

I literally just finished the first week of the Bridal Barre Boot Camp Challenge and holy crap. I did not know I was still this strong after going three months without consistently working out. I feel so badass, so strong, and so motivated. I was a little worried that I'd feel defeated or I'd have to skip days but I haven't had to do that at all.

Now keep in mind I haven't been doing the workouts on the hardest modification, and she's been using ankle weights and I have just been doing body weight so I'm not like absolutely shredded or doing anything crazy. I'm pushing myself to my own personal limit and that's the only thing you ever truly need to do. I'm only in competition with myself. If I improve myself then I win, it's that simple.

I've been doing my workouts in the evenings after work and doing mobility/flexibility work in the mornings and I really like this setup. I get some movement in the morning, try to walk around at work so I don't get stiff, then do the hard work out and half an hour of stretching at the end of the day.

I'm also not eating anything fried until October 7th and wow has it already made a difference in how my body looks. I seriously look like I've lost five pounds because I'm not bloated anymore. I'm sore but I feel good, and I'm going to keep up this momentum next week when I have an insane work schedule. It will be very stressful, but at least I'll have something to look forward to at the end of the day to let it all out and help me wind down.

This week's takeaway should be you are a lot more capable than you realize. So go out on a limb, push yourself a little, in fitness, creativity, or something else in your life. You'll be pleasantly surprised.

Made another playlist for ya this week, let me know how you like it. See ya soon.

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