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  • Writer's pictureKatelyn Anderson

Chugging Along

I was in a bad mood most of the week but ended up taking more steps to take care of myself than I have in a long while. I’ve meditated most days, worked out every day even if I switch to a shorter one, and journaled for 7 days in a row. It’s exciting, and it’s making me hopeful that I can continue to make more progress in my wellness.

I also had a really difficult but really good therapy session this week. My therapist said she was really proud that I brought the topics up that I did, and that I was finally willing to talk and cry about this particular topic. It was difficult and tiring, yes, but I definitely have felt better since then. I’m also going to try some trauma-informed yoga, focusing on hips & back on her recommendation. I’m still doing my affirmations and outdoor yoga too.

I did a free workout class through the clothing brand Vuori Saturday and it was definitely the highlight of my week. The instructor was great, everyone in the class was really nice, and we got a bunch of freebies after as well as a 20% discount in-store. I didn’t buy anything because of Frugal February but I thanked everyone for a great time. I’m signed up for another class next Saturday, HIIT this time. I’m excited to do more activities like this so I can get out more. I actually used to be a lot more bubbly, outgoing, and friendly, but after certain experiences in my life, I have become more reserved and introverted. I don’t want to push myself too hard but I do want to get closer to that place than where I'm at right now.

I've also really liked running outside and I'm going to try to do more of that too, either running around my neighborhood, or in the park, or at work on the soccer fields. They say being outside is good for your brain and sleep and such, so I feel like it can only help me.

I hope your homework assignment from last week was helpful for you! This week's assignment is to find time three times this week to do whatever that thing is for you, and see how you feel afterward. Let me know how it goes!

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